
In February 2017, the Guild Giving Foundation launched its first annual scholarship program. Now each year, the foundation will award up to 10 collegiate scholarships, worth $1,500 each, to full-time students from across the country.

Interested applicants are encouraged to apply
at the beginning of each year
Applicants to the Guild Giving scholarship program must:
- Be a United States citizen or national
- Have a minimum grade point average of 2.5 on a 4.0 scale
- Be high school seniors or graduates, postsecondary undergraduates, or graduate students
- Plan to be enrolled full-time in a collegiate program at an accredited two- or four-year college, university or vocational-technical school for the entire upcoming academic year
The application window for 2025 scholarships is now open and applications will be accepted until April 10, 2025 at 3 pm CT.
We encourage everyone to apply, but please note we’re currently unable to accept applications from individuals residing in New York
Scholarship winners 2024
In its eighth year, the Guild Giving Foundation awarded scholarships to applicants from across the country.
Below are the recipients of 2024 scholarships:

As I prepare for the next journey in my life, I was pleasantly surprised to receive notification about the Guild Giving scholarship. Words cannot describe how honored and grateful I am. Thanks to this scholarship, nearly all my freshman year at my dream school is covered. Thank you!
Thank you so much for the scholarship you have presented to me. I appreciate the support you have given me in furthering my education! This scholarship will help me focus on my schooling, and I will be forever grateful for this scholarship.
I am currently a sophomore at the University of Alabama studying elementary and special education, with the intent of applying for the Multiple Abilities Program next spring. After I complete my bachelor’s degree in May 2023, I plan to pursue a double masters and double doctorate in Collaborative Special Education and Higher Education. I love UA for many reasons, specifically being the opportunities that have been presented to me, the experiences I have gained, and relationships I have built through thoughtful people. In my short time, I have been able to be a part of 29 different campus organizations. Additionally, I have found my passion for education, specifically special education. Lastly, I have built a plethora of relationships and earned multiple mentors to help guide my path. I wanted to take a moment to personally thank you for allowing me to continue my journey here at UA through your very generous donation. Because of you, I have the opportunity to continue my education without a financial burden, allowing me to be able to truly focus on my academics and continue to thrive.
I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to the Guild Giving Scholarship Foundation for funding my educational expenses. This past year has been financially stressful for me and my family, so I am very grateful to be a recipient of this scholarship. Instead of worrying about working, I can now allocate more of my time to what matters most: my studies! I am a pre-Medicine student studying neuroscience at the University of Nevada, Reno. My dream is to go to medical school and one day become a surgeon. For this upcoming academic year, aside from classes, I plan on continuing to volunteer at COVID-19 vaccination sites. Thank you, once again, for alleviating the financial burden of next year!
Thank you so much for awarding me this scholarship. I am grateful and humbled to have received it. This will help ease the burden of loans and allow me to focus during my third year of medical school by providing great care to patients and developing the leadership and empathy skills needed to become a physician they can count on.
I was ecstatic to learn that I was a recipient of the Guild Giving Scholarship. I am writing to thank you for your generous financial support towards my pursuit of higher education. I am a law student at University of California, Davis, School of Law. My entire life I have wanted to study law, particularly as a public interest lawyer and I am now getting the chance to do just that.
Upon graduation I plan to work as a prosecutor, working to fix inequities in charging decisions and overall help create the fair and just system society deserves. Thanks to you, I am one step closer to that goal. By naming me a recipient of the Guild Giving Scholarship, you have lightened my financial burden and allowed me to take some focus away from finances and direct it towards learning and community participation. Specifically, the money provided by this scholarship will help me continue to participate in unpaid programs which will set me up for a career in the public service sector. Thank you again for providing the avenue to reach my academic and career goals.
I am the fortunate recipient of the Guild Giving Scholarship for the 2021-2022 school year. I cannot properly express my gratitude and what a consequential difference this makes for me, due to an extremely strained financial situation in my family. I will be a senior this fall at Northeastern University, majoring in Electrical Engineering and Physics. It is hard to believe, but I will be applying in the next few months to graduate school, specifically for my PhD in Physics, but heading into Quantum Science. I am currently working in a lab at MIT and hope to continue with my graduate studies there. Every step I progress is more interesting because it allows me to delve further into the subjects, I am interested in. This scholarship allows me the ability to go forward, learn more and to focus concentrated time in the labs I research in. Thank you so much!
Thank you so much for your generosity in providing me with the $1,500 scholarship. This means everything to me! It allows me to focus on my studies and volunteer in my community. I am a young working woman, working to become an investment banker. Thank you for supporting women in the world of finance!
I am a freshman at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill double majoring in computer science and business administration. I am particularly excited about the use of artificial intelligence in business and hope to found an AI-based startup in the future. In 2016, I founded Cardbound, LLC, an online trading cards retailer that has sold almost $1,000,000 in goods and processed over 25,000 orders. I have continued to operate Cardbound and am working to use my computer science knowledge to improve business efficiency. Last summer, I interned at Bank of America through the Student Leaders program and helped City Year Denver, a local branch of a national non-profit, reevaluate their recruiting efforts to better target potential applicants. Additionally, during high school, I competed in speech and debate and was a semifinalist in the International Public Policy Forum (IPPF) Debate competition sponsored by the Brewer Foundation and NYU. I also completed human-robot interaction research at the University of Colorado at Boulder and subsequently won 2nd place in the Math & Computer Science category at the Corden Pharma Science Fair. The Guild Giving Scholarship has allowed me to forgo a work-study job, and instead focus on extracurricular activities including clubs and research. I have already gotten involved with the Undergraduate Consulting Club, Finance Society, and the Student Developers Club. I am excited to get involved with the top-notch research occurring at UNC and hope to work in a robotics lab in the near future. Thanks.
The Guild Giving Scholarship has provided me with the opportunity to reach my goals. I am now a sophomore at Texas Tech University where I major in Nutritional Sciences on the Pre-Med track. I was accepted into the Honors College and have a 4.0 GPA, qualifying me for the President’s List. This past year has challenged me and helped me develop many new skills to prepare myself for the future. The Guild Giving Scholarship has shown me that my dreams are within reach and I can do anything that I set my mind to.
I am a Regents Scholar at University of California, Los Angeles, majoring in Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences/Mathematics and minoring in Geophysics and Planetary Physics. After getting a PhD, I would like to work for NASA as a scientist exploring and analyzing space. The Guild Giving Foundation has given me the opportunity to afford my academic and career goals and I greatly appreciate their generosity.
I am hoping to be admitted into the Nursing Program this coming winter semester. I love to learn about how our bodies work and how that knowledge can help me help others. The Guild Giving Scholarship has enabled me to pay tuition and housing expenses to reach that goal.
I am a fourth-year Computer Science major at Western Washington University. Between watching current events, minoring in Energy Science, and working for the Office of Sustainability, I feel impassioned to fight for a more sustainable and just future. I hope that I can make a real impact in the fight against climate change, and I plan to pursue a career that allows me to do that, ideally writing renewable energy or energy efficiency software. That opportunity will be coming soon; I am on track to graduate with honors next spring. In my senior year, I look forward to working with faculty more on long-term projects that will hopefully jump-start me into my field. Thank you.
I am writing to thank you for your generous renewal of my scholarship. I was so excited and appreciative that I was selected as a recipient for the fourth year. This scholarship has lightened my financial burden which allows me to focus on my studies. I hope one day I will be able to help students achieve their goals just as you have helped me. Thanks again!
The financial strain of going to college can be very stressful, but the foundation has eased that strain. Because of [Guild Giving], I am able to focus on learning and preparing for my future career, instead of constantly worrying about my financial situation.
I am very grateful for the Guild Giving Foundation’s contribution to my education, and for their help in allowing me to accomplish my dreams and reach my career goals. I cannot wait to see what the future holds!
The Guild Giving Foundation Scholarship helped me pursue a bachelor’s degree in Biochemistry and a Minor in Biblical Studies. Every year I received money it would bring a smile to my face because it reminded me that I was supported by another community! I am so thankful for the Guild Giving Foundation. Throughout my bachelors, I have had the opportunity to be a member/officer of sigma zeta (academic honors club), participate in an REU (summer research) at Clemson University, and maintain a high academic GPA. My future educational pursuits still are uncertain, but I look forward to finishing off my senior year! Thanks for all you’ve done.