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Sam Cunard, a IT technical architect at Guild Mortgage, had a fundraising drive to raise money for Project Koru. Though he has raised money for this cause in the past, his wife, a cancer survivor, inspired him to go even bigger with a new goal in 2024 to help support young adults impacted by cancer.
Project Koru is best defined as part water sport festival, part chaos and all fun.
“I got involved with KB4C, an incredible charity event, organized by Project Koru, because of the profound impact it has on the lives of adult cancer survivors,” explains Sam. “Last year, I participated in KB4C and raced in honor of my wife’s aunt, who bravely fought and triumphed over breast cancer. It was a powerful experience, and this year, my motivation is even stronger. I’m racing for my sister’s father-in-law, who is currently battling stage four pancreatic cancer. Despite the challenges he faces, I see his strength and determination, and I know he will soon join the ranks of cancer survivors.”

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